Review Articles
- 1. Cho LW, Atkin SL. Review: Cardiovascular disease in women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. Minerva Endocrinologica. 2007 Dec ;32 (4):263-73 18091663.
- 2. Professor WL Ledger, Professor SL Atkin, Dr LW Cho. Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) guideline No 33: Long term consequences of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. December 2007
- 3. Co-author for Evidence Based Cochrane Collaboration Overview on Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome 2008
- 4. Cho LW, Atkin SL. Management of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. Trends on Urology, Gynaecology & Sexual Health. Volume 13, Issue 6, page 14-19. Nov 2008
- 5. Cho LW. Review: Metabolic Syndrome. Singapore Med J 2011; 52(11) : 779
- 6. Seong Feei Loh, Rachna Agarwal, Jerry Chan, Sing Joo Chia, Li Wei Cho,…, Su Ling Yu. Academy of Medicine-Ministry of Health Clinical Practice guidelines: Assessment and Management of Infertility at Primary Healthcare Level. Singapore Med J 2014; 55(2); 58-66 doi: 10.11622/smedj.2014016
- 7. Cho LW. Systematic review of the effectiveness of telehealth diabetes management programme in improving diabetes care and its applicability to Hong Kong. Submitted as thesis to University of Hong Kong for the degree of Master of Public Health 2013. Retrieve from
Original Articles
- 1. Cho LW, Jayagopal V, Kilpatrick ES, Holding S, Atkin SL. The LH/FSH ratio has little use in diagnosing Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. Annals of Clinical Biochemistry. Volume 43, Number 3, May 2006, pp. 217-219(3)
- 2. Cho LW, Jayagopal V. Kilpatrick ES. Atkin SL. The biological variation of C-reactive protein in polycystic ovarian syndrome. [Letter] Clinical Chemistry. 51(10):1905-7, 2005 Oct.
- 3. Cho LW, Coady AM, Kilpatrick ES, Atkin SL. Is a Routine Ultrasound Scan Necessary for the Diagnosis of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome? Ultrasound. Nov 2006, Volume 14, Number 4.
- 4. Cho LW, Randeva HS, Atkin SL. Cardiometabolic Aspects of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. Vascular Health and Risk Management 2007:3(1) 55-63
- 5. Cho LW, Kilpatrick ES, Jayagopal V, Diver M, Atkin SL. Biological Variation of Total Testosterone, Free Androgen Index and Bioavailable Testosterone in PCOS: Implications for Identifying Hyperandrogenism. Clinical Endocrinology. Volume 68 Issue 3 Page 390-394, March 2008.
- 6. Sathyapalan T, Cho LW, Kilpatrick ES, Coady AM, Atkin SL. A Comparison between Rimonabant and Metformin in Reducing Biochemical Hyperandrogenaemia and Insulin Resistance in Patients with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: A Randomised Open Labelled Parallel Study. Clinical Endocrinology. 69(6):931-5, Dec 2008.
- 7. Sathyapalan T, Cho LW, Kilpatrick ES, Coady AM, and Atkin SL. Metformin maintains the weight loss and metabolic benefits following rimonabant treatment in obese women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) Clinical Endocrinology 70(1):124-8, Jan 2009
- 8. Cho LW, Kilpatrick ES, Keavil BG, Atkin SL. Effect of Metformin, Orlistat and Pioglitazone Treatment on Insulin Resistance and its Biological Variability in Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. Clinical Endocrinology, Volume 70, Issue 2, Pages: 233-237 , February 2009.
- 9. Cho LW, Jayagopal V, Kilpatrick ES, Rigby AS, Atkin SL. The Mean and the Biological Variation of Insulin Resistance does not differ between Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome and Type 2 Diabetes. Annals of Clinical Biochemistry, Volume 46, May 2009 pp218-221.
- 10. Dickerson EH, Cho LW, Maguiness SM, Killick S, Robinson J, Atkin SL. Insulin Resistance and Free Androgen Index correlate with the outcome of controlled ovarian hyperstimulation in non-PCOS women undergoing ART. Human Reproduction 2010 Feb;25(2):504-9. Epub 2009 Nov 17
- 11. Sathyapalan T, Cho LW, Kilpatrick ES, Le Roux C, Coady AM, and Atkin SL. Effect of Rimonabant and Metformin on glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide and glucagon-like peptide-1 in obese women with polycystic ovary syndrome. Clinical Endocrinology 2010 72(3):423-5
- 12. Cho LW, Kilpatrick ES, Keevil BG, Jayagopal V, Coady AM, Atkin SL. Insulin Resistance variability in women with Anovulatory and Ovulatory Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, and Normal Controls. Horm Metab Res. 2011 Feb;43(2):141-5. Epub 2011 Jan 13
- 13. Tay TL, Foo JP, Tan E, Chen R, Khoo J, Soh SB, Au V, Cho LW. HbA1c may not be a sensitive determinant of diabetic status in the elderly. Diabetes Res Clin Pract. 2011 May;92(2)
- 14. Puar TH, Khoo JJ, Cho LW, Xu Y, Chen YT, Chuo AM, Poh CB, Ng JM. Association between glycemic control and hip fracture. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2012 Aug;60(8):1493-7.
- 15. Khoo J, Tay TL, Foo JP, Tan E, Soh SB, Chen R, Au V, Jen-Min Ng B, Cho LW. Sensitivity of A1C to diagnose diabetes is decreased in high-risk older Southeast Asians. J Diabetes Complications. 2012 Mar-Apr;26(2):99-101.
- 16. J Konya, T Sathyapalan, LW Cho, Anne Coady, Erick Kilpatrick, Stephen Atkin. Effect of rimonabant and metformin on inflammatory cytokines in obese women with polycystic ovary syndrome. Endocrine Abstracts (2012) 28 P132
- 17. Khoo J, Ling PS, Chen RY, Ng KK, Tay TL, Tan E, Cho LW, Cheong M. Comparing the effects of meal replacements with an isocaloric reduced-fat diet on nutrient intake and lower urinary tract symptoms in obese men. J Hum Nutr Diet. 2013 Sep 20.
- 18. Wai Leng C, Jundong J, Li Wei C, Joo Pin F, Kwong Ming F, Chen R. Telehealth for improved glycaemic control in patients with poorly controlled diabetes after acute hospitalization – a preliminary study in Singapore. J Telemed Telecare. 2014 Sep;20(6):317-23
- 19. Tan NC, Chew RQ, KOH YL, Subramanian RC, Sankari U, Meyappan M, Cho LW. Primary hypothyroidism in the community: Lower daily dosages of levothyroxine replacement therapy for Asian patients. Medicine 96(7):e6145 February 2017
- 20. Cho LW, Sathyapalan T, Kilpatrick ES, Keevil BG, Miller AG, Coady AM, Ahmed L, Atkin SL. Androsterone glucuronide to dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate ratio is discriminatory for obese Caucasian women with polycystic ovary syndrome. BMC Endocrine Disorders 17(1) May 2017
- 21. Bruinstroop E, Dalan R, Bee YM, Chandran K, Cho LW, Soh SB, Teo EK, Toh SA, Leow MKS, Singa RA,…, Velan SS, Yen PM. Low-dose levothyroxine reduces intrahepatic lipid content in patients with type 2 diabetes and NAFLD. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 2018 Jul 1;103(7):2698-2706
- 22. Tan NC, Chew RQ, Subramanian RC, Sankari U, Koh YLE, Cho LW. Patients on levothyroxine replacement in the community: association between hypothyroidism symptoms, co-morbidities and their quality of life. Family Practice Jul 2018
1. Cho LW, Jayagopal V, Kilpatrick ES, Holding S, Atkin SL. The LH/FSH ratio has little use in diagnosing Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. Annals of Clinical Biochemistry. Volume 43, Number 3, May 2006, pp. 217-219(3)
2. Cho LW, Jayagopal V. Kilpatrick ES. Atkin SL. The biological variation of C-reactive protein in polycystic ovarian syndrome. [Letter] Clinical Chemistry. 51(10):1905-7, 2005 Oct.
3. Cho LW, Coady AM, Kilpatrick ES, Atkin SL. Is a Routine Ultrasound Scan Necessary for the Diagnosis of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome? Ultrasound. Nov 2006, Volume 14, Number 4.
4. Cho LW, Randeva HS, Atkin SL. Cardiometabolic Aspects of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. Vascular Health and Risk Management 2007:3(1) 55-63
5. Cho LW, Kilpatrick ES, Jayagopal V, Diver M, Atkin SL. Biological Variation of Total Testosterone, Free Androgen Index and Bioavailable Testosterone in PCOS: Implications for Identifying Hyperandrogenism. Clinical Endocrinology. Volume 68 Issue 3 Page 390-394, March 2008.
6. Sathyapalan T, Cho LW, Kilpatrick ES, Coady AM, Atkin SL. A Comparison between Rimonabant and Metformin in Reducing Biochemical Hyperandrogenaemia and Insulin Resistance in Patients with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: A Randomised Open Labelled Parallel Study. Clinical Endocrinology. 69(6):931-5, Dec 2008.
7. Sathyapalan T, Cho LW, Kilpatrick ES, Coady AM, and Atkin SL. Metformin maintains the weight loss and metabolic benefits following rimonabant treatment in obese women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) Clinical Endocrinology 70(1):124-8, Jan 2009
8. Cho LW, Kilpatrick ES, Keavil BG, Atkin SL. Effect of Metformin, Orlistat and Pioglitazone Treatment on Insulin Resistance and its Biological Variability in Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. Clinical Endocrinology, Volume 70, Issue 2, Pages: 233-237 , February 2009.
9. Cho LW, Jayagopal V, Kilpatrick ES, Rigby AS, Atkin SL. The Mean and the Biological Variation of Insulin Resistance does not differ between Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome and Type 2 Diabetes. Annals of Clinical Biochemistry, Volume 46, May 2009 pp218-221.
10. Dickerson EH, Cho LW, Maguiness SM, Killick S, Robinson J, Atkin SL. Insulin Resistance and Free Androgen Index correlate with the outcome of controlled ovarian hyperstimulation in non-PCOS women undergoing ART. Human Reproduction 2010 Feb;25(2):504-9. Epub 2009 Nov 17
11. Sathyapalan T, Cho LW, Kilpatrick ES, Le Roux C, Coady AM, and Atkin SL. Effect of Rimonabant and Metformin on glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide and glucagon-like peptide-1 in obese women with polycystic ovary syndrome. Clinical Endocrinology 2010 72(3):423-5
12. Cho LW, Kilpatrick ES, Keevil BG, Jayagopal V, Coady AM, Atkin SL. Insulin Resistance variability in women with Anovulatory and Ovulatory Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, and Normal Controls. Horm Metab Res. 2011 Feb;43(2):141-5. Epub 2011 Jan 13
13. Tay TL, Foo JP, Tan E, Chen R, Khoo J, Soh SB, Au V, Cho LW. HbA1c may not be a sensitive determinant of diabetic status in the elderly. Diabetes Res Clin Pract. 2011 May;92(2)
14. Puar TH, Khoo JJ, Cho LW, Xu Y, Chen YT, Chuo AM, Poh CB, Ng JM. Association between glycemic control and hip fracture. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2012 Aug;60(8):1493-7.
15. Khoo J, Tay TL, Foo JP, Tan E, Soh SB, Chen R, Au V, Jen-Min Ng B, Cho LW. Sensitivity of A1C to diagnose diabetes is decreased in high-risk older Southeast Asians. J Diabetes Complications. 2012 Mar-Apr;26(2):99-101.
16. J Konya, T Sathyapalan, LW Cho, Anne Coady, Erick Kilpatrick, Stephen Atkin. Effect of rimonabant and metformin on inflammatory cytokines in obese women with polycystic ovary syndrome. Endocrine Abstracts (2012) 28 P132
17. Khoo J, Ling PS, Chen RY, Ng KK, Tay TL, Tan E, Cho LW, Cheong M. Comparing the effects of meal replacements with an isocaloric reduced-fat diet on nutrient intake and lower urinary tract symptoms in obese men. J Hum Nutr Diet. 2013 Sep 20.
18. Wai Leng C, Jundong J, Li Wei C, Joo Pin F, Kwong Ming F, Chen R. Telehealth for improved glycaemic control in patients with poorly controlled diabetes after acute hospitalization – a preliminary study in Singapore. J Telemed Telecare. 2014 Sep;20(6):317-23
19. Tan NC, Chew RQ, KOH YL, Subramanian RC, Sankari U, Meyappan M, Cho LW. Primary hypothyroidism in the community: Lower daily dosages of levothyroxine replacement therapy for Asian patients. Medicine 96(7):e6145 February 2017
20. Cho LW, Sathyapalan T, Kilpatrick ES, Keevil BG, Miller AG, Coady AM, Ahmed L, Atkin SL. Androsterone glucuronide to dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate ratio is discriminatory for obese Caucasian women with polycystic ovary syndrome. BMC Endocrine Disorders 17(1) May 2017
21. Bruinstroop E, Dalan R, Bee YM, Chandran K, Cho LW, Soh SB, Teo EK, Toh SA, Leow MKS, Singa RA,…, Velan SS, Yen PM. Low-dose levothyroxine reduces intrahepatic lipid content in patients with type 2 diabetes and NAFLD. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 2018 Jul 1;103(7):2698-2706
22. Tan NC, Chew RQ, Subramanian RC, Sankari U, Koh YLE, Cho LW. Patients on levothyroxine replacement in the community: association between hypothyroidism symptoms, co-morbidities and their quality of life. Family Practice Jul 2018
Review Articles
1. Cho LW, Atkin SL. Review: Cardiovascular disease in women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. Minerva Endocrinologica. 2007 Dec ;32 (4):263-73 18091663.
2. Professor WL Ledger, Professor SL Atkin, Dr LW Cho. Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) guideline No 33: Long term consequences of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. December 2007
3. Co-author for Evidence Based Cochrane Collaboration Overview on Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome 2008
4. Cho LW, Atkin SL. Management of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. Trends on Urology, Gynaecology & Sexual Health. Volume 13, Issue 6, page 14-19. Nov 2008
5. Cho LW. Review: Metabolic Syndrome. Singapore Med J 2011; 52(11) : 779
6. Seong Feei Loh, Rachna Agarwal, Jerry Chan, Sing Joo Chia, Li Wei Cho,…, Su Ling Yu. Academy of Medicine-Ministry of Health Clinical Practice guidelines: Assessment and Management of Infertility at Primary Healthcare Level. Singapore Med J 2014; 55(2); 58-66 doi: 10.11622/smedj.2014016
7. Cho LW. Systematic review of the effectiveness of telehealth diabetes management programme in improving diabetes care and its applicability to Hong Kong. Submitted as thesis to University of Hong Kong for the degree of Master of Public Health 2013. Retrieve from